The Movement System
It’s important to understand that the way your body parts move – individually and as a whole – can have a great impact on relieving chronic pain. This is great news if you are among the millions of Americans who’ve been:
- Disappointed with physical therapy
- Told that chronic pain can’t be treated
- Considering surgery or recovering
- Living daily with chronic pain
We have helped hundreds of people conquer pain by focusing on movement quality.
Our Services
- Movement System interventions
- Manual physical therapy
- Posture balance
- Movement pattern retraining
- Graded Motor Imagery
- Functional capacity evaluation
- Work conditioning and work hardening programs
- Mental conditioning training
- Patient education and self-care training
- Physician partnering support with medication weaning
Our Specialties
- Spine conditions
- Accident injury
- Recurrent sports injury
- Nerve pain
- Tennis elbow
- Shoulder injury
- Knee injury
- Workplace injury
- Chronic conditions
- Failed spine injury